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Parental participation

Parental participation is meaningful cooperation based on a positive commitment, according to one's own ability and desire. This cooperation between parents and team is streamlined, dynamic and supports the method of working that our children are offered. Mutual respect and trust are crucial in this.

Every parent supports the school operation according to their own ability. We believe in the joint strength of a motivated and positive parent group. By keeping the interests and agreed responsibilities central, we will be able to communicate better and much more specifically if a specific question/need arises from the team.

Parental assistance at school level is organised and communicated by the VZW.
Our VZW is in close contact with all working groups so that communication about all planned activities runs smoothly. Parental assistance at class level is taken in hand and communicated via the class meetings and the class parents. This form of direct communication increases active involvement and the organisation of class-related and cross-class activities will run more smoothly.

At the beginning of the school year you will receive a form in which you can report any parental assistance. May we ask you to fill out this form and return it to school.

Thank you very much in advance!


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